I checked to see what our search options are for the easy search "Search by Company" option. Unfortunately, they do not allow searching by industry:
I investigated the Company Dossier, but it was another dead end. Let's try another tack: We know that there are a lot of copyright and liability issues involved in website building and administration. LexisNexis has a unique set of court cases that we could use to see what the common issues are. That way when we are building our site we will know what to watch out for.
Because "website" is probably too broad a search term on its own and "website design" is not likely to have a ton of cases associated with it, I checked to see what LexisNexis has under "library websites" because that is the particular kind of site we are building and they may have unique legal issues.
However, this search returned zero results. Maybe I was wrong about "websites" being too specific, so I tried that search as well. This returned a lot of results, but they did not seem to be very website-oriented.
Going back to the drawing board is likely to require a lot more screenshots, so we'll continue that in the next post.
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