-Age demographics of Norman, OK
-Education levels in Norman, OK
-Number of speakers of languages other than English, and what languages they speak, in Norman, OK
As I did in my initial search, I entered "Norman, OK" into the search box (it offered the correction "Norman city, OK" which I accepted). Here is the results landing page.
As you can see, we've got tabs on the left-hand side for all three pieces of information I am searching for. I'll show the search for education information as an example and then report all three findings in the results post to follow.
As you can see, we're looking here at the information under the Education tab. We have one big piece of information visible right away--the high school diploma rate is about 93%, which I know is much higher than the national average. So I already know that my website audience is going to be more educated, and thus probably more literate, than the average U.S. audience. If I want more detail, I can open one of the suggested tables to get that detail. Below we are looking at a small piece of the Educational Attainment table (the first suggestion in the image above).
Here we can see that in the adult population, about 1/4 have a high school education and no higher, about 1/4 have a bachelor's degree and no higher, and about 1/4 have a higher degree.
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